Age of the Four Clans is Coming!

Greetings from your friendly neighborhood CoffeeRaptor and welcome to our new website! From here we'll be publishing all the news that's fit to print about our latest MMO project, Age of the Four Clans!
First off, I should mention that in this case, MMO stands for Mesozoic Multipayer Online RPG! We're uniquely positioned to be one of the few dinosaur-themed games on the market as well as one of only a handful dino-centric MMOs, period! Woo-friggidy-hoo!
Second, A4C is unique in its use of a 2D environment. We're all big fans of the snazzy 3D MMOs of the current day, sure, but we thought we'd separate ourselves from the pack by seeking out a 2D engine. That engine is Skywyre, a spinoff of the Eclipse Origins engine, developed by the team responsible for games such as Skywardens and others. Check out their website when you have a minute!
Finally, late 2015 finds us in Pre-Alpha mode, so we're not ready for players just yet, but will be soon. If you want to get in on the ground floor and become an Alpha Tester, we're currently looking for a donation of $5.00 through our Patreon to gain access. You can continue to donate monthly (and be rewarded with cool stuff in-game for doing so) or just gift one time! Either way, you'll be able to play before anyone else. We're also taking donations of all other amounts to help us with the costs of running and producing the game, including a $1.00 gift to become a Beta Tester in first-quarter 2016 and the ability to play pre-release on a more polished game. Anything helps us get more features and run smoother!
So that's it for now! Hope you enjoy reading about A4C and very much hope you'll join us when the game is released!