We're Back! Where Do We Go From Here?

Your friendly neighborhood dev team back again this morning with the question that's on everyone's mind: What can we expect to see in A4C in the coming weeks?
If you've been on the PTR (1.4.2 as of this writing), then we hope you've had fun exploring the world and getting introduced to Age of the Four Clans' environment. You're probably noticing, however, that environment is a little on the sparse side. Indeed, there is so much more we have to bring to you all in days to come, leading up to our launch of Beta by August.
That in mind, please turn your attention to our new Forums, where we'll be documenting Hotfixes and other tidbits that aren't exactly news-worthy, but worth mentioning, nonetheless. Devs will also be on hand in the forums to answer questions you may have or address bugs/suggestions as you play the PTR.
As it stands, our objective for Alpha is to continue to work out little kinks and issues in stability, first and foremost. We may add a quest or two here and there, but for the most part, we'll be saving that sort of world-building for Beta launch. Rest assured, come August you will see a much bigger map, more NPCs, more mobs, and plenty more quests. Find out more about what we have planned for Beta in this post.
We're thrilled to have people logging in to give the world a test-run and thank you for the suggestions and bug notices you've already sent. Keep an eye on the Forums for a list of our current known issues, which we will be resolving as we go along.
As ever, thanks for playing! There is so much more to come!