All in Moderation...

This week, your friendly neighborhood dev team has its hands full ironing out stats for starting classes as well as mobs. This is the kind of stuff that no matter how well you think you have the math figured out, something is bound to surprise you. If you've been in the RPG game for any significant amount of time, then you know the only real way to know if something is working is to let people play the game for a bit and suggest nerfs and buffs.
To that end, how does one moderate an MMO?
We're a small team of three at present, with one or two helping hands who come along as needed. Currently, each of us works a job outside of developing A4C. Two of us are parents. This leaves precious little time to be online to receive questions in-game, and makes it certainly impossible to assure GMs will be online 24 hours a day. Throw in the fact that we are often 'offline' working on the up-and-coming Beta release, and you'll be lucky if you encounter a moderator for weeks. We assure you, however, that we are most definitely here.
Perhaps in some not-too-distant future, we'll earn a dedicated GM team that is not only capable of answering all the questions players might have while exploring our little online dinosaur game, but one which is available 'round the clock, as well. Until then, we'll keep checking the mail!
If you haven't seen it, we have a bugs/comments/questions form which can be filled out, here. We also operate our own forum, right here, where you can leave your thoughts. It's not real-time, but it works for now and we do read every note we get.
And thank you in advance for your feedback! We've read a lot of great suggestions this past week and have added them to our book of hotfixes. We look forward to bringing you the best online experience possible in our game, and every bit helps!