Looking Ahead: Uptime Schedule and BETA Launch!

Age of the Four Clans continues downtime this week as we search for an ideal hosting location. Fortunately, your loyal dev team has been working hard in offline mode to bring you all some awesome new content.
First, the big announcement - with new hosting secured, we plan to launch the game in Beta! Here's our to-do checklist:
Major map locations such as Tethys (above) and Iza'Nagi will become accessible!
The ability to level up into a branched class system -- in other words, new classes will finally be available!
New abilities and spells will be available to train as you level!
Wild storyline integration has appeared! Travel the world of A4C and interact with NPCs who will reveal to you the underlying story of the game.
The beginnings of what we hope to be a robust quest system will be online!
More shop/drop items for your character to wear and equip!
Plus more!
Thanks for bearing with us as we work to make A4C as awesome as possible! Beta has been a massive undertaking and we hope you'll enjoy all there is to see when we go live again in July 2017!